
The Sick Rose By William Blake Meaning

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The Multiple Meanings of The Sick Rose and The Eagle

After studying the two poems, The Sick Rose and The Eagle in class and the discussion among the group, it seems to me that the poems haven’t got only one single meaning. I also noticed that poems could always be interpreted in different ways with different meanings based on your point of view and your personal knowledge and experience. Poems are also open to interpretations.

The Sick Rose is a very decent example of which the poems can be interpreted in different ways. The word “rose” first came into sight in the title, which indicates this word play a chief part in the interpretation of the poem. “Rose” can be a person, as this is a very widespread name for girls in …show more content…

Blake was a poet, writer and also a painter. Just like most of the other writers, he had his own style when creating a piece. He particularly specified in religion, and his ideas of religion, or in other words, the operation of the church contradicted with most of the people at his time, especially the ones with power and money. William
Blake was neither rich nor powerful, and he didn’t risk his life to express his discontent. He conveyed his feelings in the poem, let alone be aware of his minds and thoughts.

Granted that this concept is right, then ‘rose’ signifies the church, which was being tarnished by the ‘priests’, which was indicated by ‘ invisible worm’ in the poem. They lived a luxurious life using the donations and they wore expensive red priests robes, which was represented by the phrase ‘crimson joy’. There is an idiom ‘Do not judge a book by its cover’, and that is exactly what the poet was trying to tell us - most of the things do not look as they appear to be. If the poet hadn’t experienced the injustice and unfairness of the church, he might not have written this poem. Actually we will never experience the treatment of the church at the time when the poem was written, but knowing the poet’s background is a good way to have accurate interpretations. Hence, self-experience is a very important factor leading to varied

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