
The Mystical State Is Not Easily Achieved

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In this dimension, the mystical state is not easily achieved. Furthermore, when it is achieved, it is through ways which are used purposely, such as drugs. In the story “The Willows,” however, the mystical state is achieved without purpose and without a want. This story provides many moments in which the characters experience the mystical state. In the story, “The Willows,” the narrator experiences a sighting of huge un-human figures which results in awe and worship from the narrator. Also in the story, “The Willows,” the narrator and his companion hear a gong like sound all throughout the island which results in fear and knowledge. The story “The Willows,” represents the sublime through the flood and the willows which has caused this story to progress as the gothic genre has progressed. In the story, “The Willows,” the narrator experiences a sighting of huge un-human figures which results in awe and worship from the narrator. In the very beginning of daylight hours, the narrator wakes up feeling very troubled. Therefore, he looks outside of the tent. Then, he notices monstrous figures among the willows. The narrator states, “They first became properly visible, these huge figures, just within the tops of the bushes—immense, bronze-colored, moving, and wholly independent of the swaying of the branches. I saw them plainly and noted, now I came to examine them more calmly, that they were very much larger than human, and indeed that something in their appearance proclaimed them

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