
The Nameless Creature In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Frankenstein is among one of the most well known classics; almost everyone recognizes the tale of the deranged Doctor Frankenstein and how he created a horrible monstrosity who caused chaos and destruction in his wake. But how much of this beloved story deviates from the original text by Mary Shelley? Indeed, most people would probably be taken by surprise if they read the book to find that the nameless Creature was in fact extremely articulate, emotional, and even a great deal more rational than his creator. How this story has changed over the course of time is a fascinating thing. In fact it could be argued that the story itself has become less significant compared to the idea of the story. Over a myriad of parodies, remakes, retellings …show more content…

Although the James Whale movies, which no doubt created the iconic image of the Creature, do not refer to Victor’s creation as “Frankenstein”, later films, shows and parodies do. This identity that society has created for Victor Frankenstein’s originally unnamed creation is interesting due to several reasons. For one, Frankenstein, who is essentially the Creature’s father, abandons his child without even giving him a name; which in and of itself dehumanizes the Creature a great deal. As the culture of Frankenstein began to develope and grow larger, the audience gave the Creature the name “Frankenstein”, thereby humanizing him more than he was in the novel, while at the same time physically and emotionally making him more of a dehumanized monster than he ever was. It could also be considered ironic that the Creature be given the name of the man who caused him so much pain. As if being abandoned, emotionally neglected, and feared by all who saw him were not enough torment, now he has been forced to take on the name of the man who made his existence so

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