
Essay about The National Dry Law: The Prohibition Time

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Throughout the history of America, many would argue that the 1920’s were the craziest and wildest times in our history. The world had just gotten out of the First World War, and as Americans, we were done with hard times and were itching to have a good time. Americans were ready for a good time and a good party, but right before this could happen a law was passed that dramatically changed the course of history. The law was the national “dry” laws which would prohibit the production, distribution, and possession of alcohol. “Dry” laws had been passed in some states, but it did not go into effect nationally until January 17, 1920. Although many people, mostly Protestants, supported the new laws at the beginning. After a few years many people …show more content…

Other influential people like John Adams and James Madison drank every day and owned stills. For example, George Washington owned one of the most prosperous whiskey distilleries in Virginia . After the birth of our nation in 1776, Congress passed a law to tax whiskey. Since whiskey making and drinking was a large business for Americans, this caused uproar among the people. A small army of whiskey makers and tax protesters went on a rampage against anything that had to do with taxes. This became known as the “Whiskey Rebellion” and was quickly ended by George Washington, but this showed that whiskey and alcohol not only are importantly culturally, but also economically. During the earlier 1800s, Americans were drinking more than five gallons of alcohol per person per year . This is the highest level that it has ever reached and retains that status even today. This time period was the start of westward expansion and with it, Americans brought their alcohol. This led to the creation of the saloon. The saloon has been a symbol of American drinking since it was created. At the end of the 19th century, the Anti-Saloon League started to pick up steam resulting in the saloons and alcohol coming under attack. These actions culminated into the beginning of what would be known as the Temperance movement. Even in the face of Americans who liked their liquor, the Anti-Saloon League was

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