
The Negative Effects Of Family And Family Homelessness

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Family and child homelessness has been a major social problem within the United states since the 1980s (Bassuk). According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, it is a problem that affected 79,446 family households in January 2010, and over 1.5 million children between the years of 2005 and 2006. Family and child homelessness is a genuine issue that although has increased to 37% of the overall homeless, and is said to have reached an “historic high” (Bassuk), it has not been discussed or addressed. Homelessness affects every one in 30 children in the U.S, which is a major increase in recent years. 2.4 million children were affected by homelessness in 2013, which was an increase from the 1.6 million that were affected in …show more content…

In fact, Ashley De Marcus of the Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange stated that homeless students opposed to students who are not homeless are twice as likely to repeat a grade. Homeless high school students also show a similar trend of lowered skills in math and reading. According to Carolyn Shields and Erica Mohan, only 11.4% proficient in math and 14.6% of homeless high school students are proficient in reading. This is a 20.8% and 16.3% difference in students who have homes who are 32.2% proficient in math and 30.9% proficient in reading. As you can see, the skills level of math and reading for homeless students continues to get worse. Stronger even confirmed this in his 1992 study of homeless students. Stronger found that homeless students were scoring a year under their grade level and the deficit had increase up to three years as they got older. As we can see, this is still a true statement as the skill levels from elementary and high school has decreased significantly.
The problem of mental disorders is a major one among homeless families. However, the mental health of homeless children has been less systematically researched, and almost all the available data is based on research studies of children in homeless shelters in the USA (Bushra 1996). Various terms, such as behavioral problems/difficulties, psychosocial maladjustment or mental health disorders, are often used to describe the degree

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