
The Negative Effects Of Gress Stress And Its Effects On Students

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Through the fast pace of today’s economy and job market in the United States, students are constantly being asked to do more in order to maintain a competitive edge. Although, obtaining such an edge might promote a positive outcome, there are also negative responses that essentially hurt students as individuals and the American job market as a whole. The constant government and societal push towards measuring up to the rest of the world is essentially, harming students more than it is promoting them.
Although stress stress isn’t always a negative aspect, in extreme situations, it can prove to be very unhealthy. The American Psychological Association has found that “Teens report that their stress level during the school year far exceeds what they believe to be healthy…” The association also says that “Many teens also report feeling overwhelmed (31 percent) and depressed or sad (30 percent) as a result of stress.” The stress that students are experiencing is not the problem as much as the consequences that come from it. Depression and lack of motivation can result from too much pressure upon students, and these negative side effects can cancel any of the positively intended effects. From elementary school to college, the American school system is constantly striving to keep up with that of other countries. This constant motivation can be very toxic to the entire cause at hand. The University of La Verne took statistics of their students and found that “…at least 50% of

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