
The Negative Effects Of Vaccination

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Finally, there are negative effects of vaccines. The most common side effects of vaccines are mild cases of fever, nausea, and redness or swelling at the site of the injection (Kwok, 2011). Researchers are constantly working to improve the safety of vaccines by utilizing more inactive and killed vaccines (Kwok, 2011). However, since experimental trials do not catch all side effects since some only effect one per 10,000- 100,000 people (Kwok, 2011). Though the most common side effects are mild, the rare side effects are more dangerous. The rare side effects occur in roughly one in every 100,000- 1 million cases (Kwok, 2011). These side effects include fever-induced convulsions and severe allergic reactions (Kwok, 2011). As rare as they are, they do pose a significant threat to the safety of the individual. Researchers are continuously developing new vaccines that offer safe immunization.
As discussed with biological effects of vaccines, there are several factors that come into a consideration when a person decides to receive a vaccination. Some of these factors include religious and personal beliefs, as well as general mistrust in scientific and medical communities. Within the United States, individuals who view vaccines as dangerous or unnecessary, are usually met with the social label “anti-vax” or the more accepted term for medical professionals “vaccine hesitant” (McClure et al.). As with biological factors, the results can influence both individual and community

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