
The Negative Problem Of Child Labor In The Modern World

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Child labor is considered to be one of the most sensitive areas with a negative impact on the society today. Most of the children in the poorly developed nations are taken for the purposes of child labor and that has affected negatively the various laws concerning child labor in the society. The eastern countries and more so in Africa face the issue of child labor and that has made various children to be employed illegally in most of the westernized fields established in those regions. There is compelling evidence which can be used in proving that there is the existence of child labor in the lower economic countries and that has to be eliminated effectively in order to strengthen the social structure found in those countries. According to a research done by Abdullahi et al. (2016) on child labor in developing countries, it was found out that most of the children living in the poorest household are highly prone of being subjected to child labor in the society today. This is because of the low levels of finances they have in sustaining their lives and this subjects them to child labor. This problem of child labor has been seen to be extensive to most of the children under the age of 14 years who strive hard in order to help their families in getting additional incomes. Their research showed that child labor is rampant and therefore, necessary measures have to be taken in order to eliminate child labor in the developing countries. Most of the people in the modern society

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