
The New I3 Phone System

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The New I3 Phone System
One frequently asked question in business today that is least answered is, as stated by David Chaudron, PhD (2003), “What can we do to make our business flourish, survive and grow?” With the rapid changes in technology and the rise in the globalization of markets, we must have a game plan in place for adjusting to these changes. It has become increasingly difficult to predict what is going to happen, and there are thousands of obstacles and opportunities along the way. To add to the confusion, there are thousands of products, solutions and methods for dealing with these changes. With many brands, sizes and varieties it is very difficult to choose what is best for your organization. Add to that, …show more content…

I suppose these issues caused the shock necessary for our company to consider making a change in current phone technology. Furthermore, our company recognized the need to change before something really drastic occurred, and deterred possible issues that might have taken much longer to diagnose, and address. Although, it is recognized that a change needs to occur, there should be an expectation of some amount of resistance. Resistance to change is a normal reaction from people who are used to doing tasks a certain way. Employees may have become accustomed to performing their daily duties in a definitive way. Therefore, Shaw was correct in following the words of Romans 15:2 in this process, which states, “Let each one of us make it a practice to please (make happy) his neighbor for his good and for his true welfare, to edify him [to strengthen him and build him up spiritually].
Many people may resist change because they fear they will lose their jobs, status or position. It may be because they do not fully understand the purpose of change, or they may have a different perspective on the change than their management. “Individuals, groups, and organizations must be motivated to change. But if people perceive no performance gap or if they consider the gap unimportant, they will not have this motivation. Moreover, they will resist changes that others try to introduce,” Bateman and Zeithaml explained. Many times change for people at work

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