
The New York Times By Thomas Friedman

Good Essays

Thomas Friedman writer for The New York Times brings us through his research on Middle East and their opinion of 9/11. Friedman travels to many different Arabian nations through out this documentary. His first stop was in Qatar at a school that offers an American like education. At this school he talked to the students about their opinions of America. The second stop was Cairo, which was the city in Egypt that Mohammad Atta grew up in. Friedman met with Ali Salem a play writer who wrote a remarkable article for The New York Times on the first anniversary of 9/11, it was titled “An Apology from an Arab”. They discussed his work and why he wrote what he did. Something that struck me was one of the quotes Friedman pointed out, “These extremist feel like dwarfs, which is why they search for towers, and all those who tower mighty “. I like this so much because it has so much truth to it. The third stop was Belgium where Friedman interviewed Fauzaya Talhaoui, who is a member of the Belgian Parliament. They discussed where the anger and hatred that is mention so often throughout this documentary comes from. Tahaoui believes that this anger comes from humiliation. The Muslim people used to be number one, but it constantly is falling behind and becoming more powerless. The fourth stop is Bahrain, where he was able to see a country getting closer to democracy. Friedman actually ends up going back to Bahrain and is able to see an election take place. The last place that Friedman

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