
The Nice Guideline For Pregnancy And Complex Social Factors

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The NICE guideline for Pregnancy and complex social factors (2010) recommends that midwives ask all pregnant women, regardless of social status, about alcohol intake so that appropriate referrals can be made. Elliott and Bower (2008) also encourage antenatal assessment of maternal alcohol consumption and state that accurate recording of foetal alcohol exposure assists in identifying children who may benefit from paediatric assessment following birth.

Universal antenatal screening for alcohol consumption in pregnancy is beneficial in preventing foetal alcohol exposure or identifying the need for and providing early intervention which in turn improves health outcomes for women and infants (Seib et al., 2012). Maternity services within the Queensland Health service currently screen all women who attend the antenatal clinic using a screening tool referred to as Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-C (AUDIT-C) (Seib et al., 2012). The AUDIT-C screening tool can be found on page a11 of the Pregnancy Health Record provided to women attending the public health maternity service (Queensland Health, 2012). This tool provides consistency across many maternity settings and assists in accurately identifying alcohol use in pregnant women and therefore supports with early intervention (Seib et al., 2012).

It is important for midwives to be mindful that pregnant women who misuse substances such as alcohol while pregnant may be apprehensive about being judged by healthcare

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