
The Nine By Jeffrey Toobin

Decent Essays

In Jeffrey Toobin’s novel, The Nine, he promises in his subtitle to delve “Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court.” And throughout his 340 page novel, Toobin accurately accomplishes this promise. To Toobin, the secret world of the Supreme Court focuses around the areas of the Court that are not often seen by the public eye, the information that often goes unnoticed or overlooked. To accomplish this goal of expanding the common man’s knowledge of the Supreme Court, Toobin not only narrates in detail the proceedings and cases of the court, but he also expands upon the complexities of the court as he describes the major themes, relationships, and intertwined connections that occur throughout the history of the Supreme Court. Furthermore, many of these major themes and relationships focus around main ideas and specific aspects of the court. In order to further illustrate the Supreme Court’s relationship and complexities, Jeffrey Toobin details the way the Court is shaped by the outside factors, the evolution of values, recurrent cases and constitutional requirements, and even misconceptions. Throughout The Nine, Toobin illustrates the fact that many of the Supreme Court cases are not necessarily determined on a case by case basis or simply by the hearings occurring inside the courtroom. In fact, many of the cases and decisions of the court are affected and shaped by outside forces, both internally in the nation and externally in the world. For example, during the case of

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