
The Novel ' The Scarlet Letter ' And John Steinbeck 's East Of Eden

Decent Essays

Danny Song
Ms. Landis
AP American Literature Period 5
4 September 2015
COW #1 The Ways We Lie Lying has become an integral part of life, hiding the ugly truth from ourselves, and others. I lie. You lie. We all lie. We all tell those harmless little lies, little falsehoods that seem to do no damage, that do not hurt anything. And none of us feel the slightest bit guilty about it. But does our lack of guilt illustrate the justification of lies? When someone lies, they can harm themselves, in addition to society and others. In short, “when someone lies, someone loses”(Ericsson 121); This is apparent in works such as Stephanie Ericsson’s essay “The Ways We Lie,” Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter, and John Steinbeck’s novel East of Eden. In order to illustrate the self-degradation in lying, Ericsson recalls a time when she lended money to a “friend.” By putting up a facade, he appeared to have “all the right looks, and the right words, and offered lots of new consciousness theories” (122), but he did not. In 6 months time, Ericsson only got a hundred dollars back. Through his lies, he not only lost the trust of many and destroyed his reputation, but was also left with “a crowded graveyard of disenchanted former friends” (Ericson 122). Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale from Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter also fell victim to his own lies. Although he will not confess publicly, he is fully aware that he is the father of Olive, Hester’s daughter. By hiding this fact,

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