
The Novel ' The Wizzard Of Oz '

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“Were off to see the Wizard” One of the great movies perhaps of all times is “THE WIZZARD OF OZ” Dorothy is on a mission to find the Great Oz who she thinks will help her and her friends. She believes the great and Mighty OZ has powers that will help her in her time of need. So they are all on a dangerous journey to find the wizard. So it is here with Saul Saul’s séance with the witch of Endor in 1 Samuel 28 is regarded as the starting of the coup de grâce of his tragic ending of being King Israel. The first anointed to be king, being first inst always what is suppose to be. Here in Saul’s case he was the first and now it’s going to end in mess. In his life the Israelite king has gone from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley of moral. He has fought, wrestled long and hard to get to this place as his last few days of his life are now coming to an end. Tired of wrestling with in his self as sleepless nights take their toll on him, on the run he has to end of this madness. General’s today, one can look at various battles and from a battle plan. They know what it takes to end them, who to send where men, targets to bomb, etc. So it was with Saul he finally came to the point that he has to talk to God. He knows the battle plan for this pending battle this quickly approaching. The armies were all ready there waiting to go and destroy Saul and his armies. When all else falls go back to square one and Saul square on like so many today is to go here from God.

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