
The Nuclear Energy Industry

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According to the Nuclear Energy Institute China is the biggest market for the nuclear plants, technology and equipment. They are producing 19 gigawatts and it is planned to increase this number to 58 gigawatts until 2020 and approximately 150 gigawatts until 2030 (Nuclear Energy Institute, 2015, p. 1). Nowadays the nuclear energy plays a small role in Chinese energy industry. According to the IEAE it was 2.39% of the total production in 2014 – 130580 gWh (IAEA - PRIS, 2015c). The main policy challenges for China is to renew the bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement (known as a Section 123 agreement) and meeting the CO2 emission regulations. The Section 123 agreement will be expired on 30th December 2015. It is highly important for United States as also for China. However thanks to that agreement a bunch of American companies benefited and thousands of jobs were created in United States. On the other side Chinese market benefited thanks to the new technologies, equipment and know-how necessary to build nuclear energy industry. The Section 123 agreement covers the nonproliferation policies. The agreement took effect when was signed by President Ronald Reagan in December 1985. Another one crucial challenge for China is meeting the CO2 regulations. Due to using a lot of fossil fuels, especially the coal, which causes enormous air pollution in China. One of the solutions to this topic is using more of renewable energies and also nuclear energy, which can be considered as a

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