
The Office Essay

Decent Essays

Various television shows have pushed boundaries to create positive differences in social perception of minorities, but only few have had the power and influence to make a noteworthy impact on American culture. Television Comedy has been able to cleverly impact acceptance of American Culture boundaries for years on end. From the show “Good Times” all the way to “The Office”, comedy has been an effective way of creating positive perceptions and acceptance of all different kinds of views on our society. An easily countable number of academic texts give evidence to Black-watched, Black-targeted television narratives. (Marc, 1997). Racially directed comedy television shows have, in my opinion, have been one of the most prevalent types of television …show more content…

Its popularity has helped in its pursuit to send messages of tolerance and equality to all of its viewers. The Office is a personal favorite TV sitcom of mine and few would argue that it isn’t amongst the most popular TV shows of all time. Another argument to validate my opinion would be that it is one of the highest grossing American TV sitcoms of all time. “Although most have had markedly short runs, NBC's version of The Office has forged its own identity and achieved notable success” (Griffin, 2008, p.156). The Office has a clever blend diversity and personality within its cast. While many shows usually lean towards one particular demographic, The Office has little balance in regards to which “type” of people it chooses to hone in on from episode to episode. The Office is truly a model for a modern America I would like to see which exudes diversity and acceptance, not tolerance, of the people around …show more content…

If you’ve ever intently watched Sesame Street as an adult you will notice that the show is obviously directed towards children, is very relatable to learned morals and behavior that travel with us throughout our adult lives. Of course Sesame Street is known for its meticulous characters teaching adolescents their ABC’s and 123’s, but Sesame Street is the prime example of an influential TV show that is directed towards America’s children. “The clever use of Muppets and animation helped bring the educational curriculum to life, but coordinating education and entertainment required careful thought” (Fisch & Truglio, 2014, p.11). Sesame Street had to juggle so many different values that the writers wanted to instill while keeping the show high in entertainment value. Judging off of their 30 year life span it is safe to assume that they achieved their goal. So many famous and influential individuals have made cameos on the show it is hard to keep track. From Oprah to Michael Jordan, all the way to a few of our former presidents, Sesame Street has had an unprecedented amount of pop culture icons featured in its episodes over the

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