
The Old Man And The Sea Character Analysis

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In The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, the reader is introduced to the plight of Santiago, a very old fisherman who has gone eighty-four days without catching anything. Santiago believes that he will catch a giant fish on his eighty-fifth day of this streak, and gain back his luck. He does catch a fish of over a thousand pounds while at sea over the course of a few days. However, his luck doesn’t last and the giant fish is devoured by hungry sharks while Santiago is on his way back home. This gives readers mixed feelings over Santiago was a winner or a loser at the end of the book, all things considered. Although Santiago was very unsuccessful throughout the story, he was ultimately victorious because he broke his eighty-four day streak of catching nothing, he survived against all odds, and even though it had been ruined, he brought home the biggest fish the town had ever seen. In the past, Santiago was revered as a great fisherman, a local legend. He knew many tricks, and was very patient and strong-willed. Once his unlucky streak started up, however, his reputation was more or less thrown to the wolves. Hemingway even says on Page 11 that many of the other fishermen made fun of Santiago, and on Page 9 that it had been 84 days since he had caught anything (“He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish.”). Less than halfway into that stretch Manolin’s parents had even forced him to go and

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