
The Oligarch's Idea Of Athenian Democracy

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On the first meeting of the Assembly at the Pnyx, Thearion, the celebrity baker who intriguingly bakes his loaves of bread into the shape of animals, served as herald and sacrificed a boar to the Goddess Demeter, hoping she would bless the day and allow for the rebuild and healing of Athens to decisively begin. However, it seems Demeter was not immediately impressed with the offering, as shortly thereafter a rain quall blew in from the Saronic Gulf and brought upon a deluge that dismayed hundreds of Athenians attending the Assembly and innervated their sense to flee the area. Those resilient enough to stay, including Aristarchus, an Oligarch who presided over the assembly that day, understood the results of that day’s debate, which would …show more content…

They were countered by Thearion, Callias the Oligarch, and Aristocles who all opposed granting metics and slaves to gain voting rights. An expanded democracy could not be a good idea due to the incompetence of the masses. An ill-vetted electorate would ostensibly destroy the integrity of the democracy. Due to constraints in time, the Assembly adjourned without resolving to vote, leaving the final decision to have to come on the following …show more content…

A last second proposition by the Solonian Aristocrat Miltiades to publically fund the arts and preserve Athenian culture also soundly passed.
On the fourth day at the Pnyx, the trial initiated by Theozitides was held. Simon the cobbler provided the pig sacrifice to the goddess Athena and the Assembly, led this day by Thrasybulus, set out to determine the fate of Socrates. Lycon, Anytus, and Meletus formed the prosecution, accusing Socrates of being aligned with the Thirty, profaning the Gods, and corrupting the youth to Athenian way of life. They deemed Socrates crimes of corruption and impiety did not merit the death penalty, but were serious enough to merit exile.
Socrates’ defendants included his disciples Crito and Xenophon. Both rebuked the claim that Socrates was guilty of corruption and impiety, claiming their teacher was merely a thinker who circulated new ideas and always acted in the best interest of Athens; he was a verily a “gadfly” who was concerned with the intellectual health of Athens and all

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