
The Original Ending Of Cinderella, And The Little Golden Book

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Did you know that the original ending of Cinderella was supposed to be completely different than the glass slipper ending? The original ending of Cinderella was supposed to be Cinderella going back to the palace and getting put into the dress that she danced in at the ball. Her fairy godmother would come with her to the ball and show the prince that it was her that he had danced with. This is not exactly what happened in the three different versions of Cinderella, The Grimm Brotherś version of ¨Cinderella,¨ The Disney 2015 film Cinderella, and The Little Golden Book have similar plots to each other, but are different from the original ending. Although, some people may believe all the Cinderella stories are the same, there are also many …show more content…

Despite not having much in the beginning, by being given the golden slippers, it symbolizes the fact that she deserves more than what she is getting. Even though the animals did different things they all had the same effect in helping Cinderella find a better life. The different archetypes cause the themes to have many differences in them, for the moral each one is trying to convey is different. The Little Golden book and the film have similar themes, but are still different. The Grimm Brother’s version is the most different out the of the three versions of Cinderella. The Little Golden book portrays a theme that hard work will pay off. Cinderella was always a hard worker and did whatever her stepmother and stepsisters told her to do. When she had heard the prince was going to throw a ball for all the maidens of the land she undoubtedly wanted to go. However, her stepmother and stepsisters had given her chores that she “had worked all day long” on. Despite wanting to go to the ball very badly she had still done what her stepmother and stepsisters told her to do and did not skip on any of the work for her personal gain. This hard work eventually led her and the prince to get married. This went even further in the film when the repeated message was “have courage and be kind.” This resonated throughout the whole film. When Cinderella had lost her father and was forced to live with her stepmother and stepsisters she was courageous and always kind.

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