
The Outsider-Outsider Divisiveness: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Insult can be enacted in a multitude of methods – as a slap, exclusion, a false accusation, or a dismissive remark. Insult assumes lack of consent, disregard for the comfort of the individual who is receiving the setback. At its moment of delivery, all that matters to the aggressor is the primacy of its, logic or need. An insult violates boundaries. Due to the fact of its obliviousness to negotiation, its discharge can appear to the individual on the receiving end like a judgment with no appeal. The offense appears to deny the possibility of recognition. When insult becomes endemic, or institutionalized, the insulted can be rendered unreal. The encounter can, of course, have positive aspects: it can mobilize pride and will and a lifelong determination …show more content…

Raised in Chicago in a blue-collar neighborhood where speaking Spanish wasn’t at all uncommon, but the instant context of life was inside a handful of city blocks. On one block was poor Mexicans, and on other block poor blacks. Needless to say, my initial encounter, in terms of understanding a multicultural relationship, was that of segregated environments and polarized topography. Navigating through the city as an outsider in occupied territory and experiencing the urban space as imminently hostile in spite of its veneer of tranquility and order have informed my understanding of the public sphere. My work demands to be observed as a series of connections, a chain reaction of possible paintings produced to create a comprehensible body of work. My paintings are unpredictable. I shift in material; reference, style, and scale are mercurial. No work appears like the one just before, or at times even like the one beside it. My paintings maintain a distinctive autonomy and brusqueness. It by no means has asked permission to be there. It often appears to have taken its spot and to declare its wariness of the institutional

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