
The Outsiders Book Report Essay

Decent Essays

The Outsiders is about a couple traumatic weeks in a life of a teenage boy. This novel spins a tale of fourteen-year-old Ponyboy Curtis and his problem in the society he lives in which he believes he is an outcast. Ponyboy lives with his two brothers, Darry, who is twenty, and Sodapop, who is sixteen, since his parents died in a car crash a few years ago. Ponyboy and Sodapop are allowed to live with Darry as long as they behave properly. The three brothers, as well as their friends, are called “greasers”, an expression that refers to the people who live in the East side, the poor side of the town. The greasers’ rivals are the rich, popular socialists, or Socs, who live on the West side of town. The story unravels when Ponyboy walking home alone from the movies. As he’s walking along, a group of Socs corner him in a dark alley and repeatedly beat him up. The Socs badly injure and threaten to kill Ponyboy, but before they kill him, some of the members of his gang show up and save him from further damage. This fight sets up the setting for the rest of the tale, since it reveals to the readers that the rivals will never stop fighting, even if it gets to death. …show more content…

There they meet Cherry Valance and her friend Marcia, who left their Soc boyfriends because the boys were drinking. Ponyboy and Johnny offer to drive the girls, but along the way, the girls' boyfriends reappear and threaten to fight the boys. Cherry stops the fight from happening, and the girls leave with their boyfriends. After the girls leave. Ponyboy and Johnny go to a vacant lot to hang out before heading home. They fall asleep, and by the time Johnny wakes Pony up, it's 2:00 a.m. Pony runs home, where Darry is waiting. Darry is furious with Pony and, without meaning to, he slaps him. Pony runs out of the house and returns to the lot to find Johnny. Pony wants to run away, but instead they go to the park to cool

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