
The PSI Case: Marketing of Raja and Maya

Satisfactory Essays

Q1) How do you explain the disparity in Raja’s and Maya’s performance?

♦ The disparity was happened because of the fact that two products had different characteristic in essence and the market in Bangladesh had it specific characteristic.
- Market characteristic in Bangladesh : Most consumers were illiterate and did not have access to professional doctors or pharmacies.
- Consumers thought that Raja(condoms) was associated with sex but Maya(pill) was associated with birth control
- People thought of a condom as an over the counter consumer product, while a pill was perceived a as a powerful drug. As a result, people were more willing to accept condom rather than drug.
♦ Maya’s performance got worse because of its weak marketing …show more content…

Q3) Create a marketing plan for improving sales of Maya
♦ To support retailers financially by giving high margin and by extending credit
- As the other pills give high margin to retailers, Maya should consider giving margin to retailers by increasing current price because the retailers do not have motivation to sell Maya. PSI should keep in mind that most retailers had problem with working capital. Thus, extending credit term can be also a way to support
♦ To rebranding image of Maya as a high quality product among doctors and RMPs
- Currently, Maya’s brand image is low quality drug among doctors and RMPs. They play a very important role of advising patient. Thus, PSI should rebrand the image of Maya and name. Then, it should try to inform doctors and RMPs of Maya’s quality by holding seminars or visiting marketing. If necessary, PSI need to develop specified communication program for doctors and RMPs.
♦ To develop a powerful marketing communication program to make behavioral change of consumers
- Most consumers of contraceptive did not exactly aware how family planning program was valuable for health, economy and happiness and how Maya was an effective pill to achieve successful family planning. Furthermore, most of them were living in rural areas where it was not easy to access to mass media such as TV and Radio. Therefore, besides advertisement, it’s

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