
The Parental Questionnaire And The Behavior Assessment System For Children

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Children from low-income households tend to exhibit higher levels of conduct problems. This quantitative study uses data from the Parental questionnaire and the Behavior Assessment System for Children 2nd Edition to investigate associations between family income in early childhood and children’s conduct problems. The study will explore whether income is associated to child conduct problems and emotional problems operate through income level and parental education levels.

Many children have behavioral issues. A problem in Children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds are at higher risk for developing conduct problems, which include behaviors such as aggression, disruptiveness, and/or …show more content…

This study will be conducted at Thornwell School of the Arts located in Hartsville, SC. I will this study will be held on November 1st, 2015. There will be 100 participants and a sample group of 50. The participants will be selected at random. The participants will be selected on a voluntary basis. In this study there will be two groups, the parent-reported child behavior group, that gives data collected from the maternal caregivers. The second group is the teacher reported child behavior sample. This includes the teacher-reported child behaviors. Everyone will receive a pizza party for being in the study as well as those who were not.
This study uses the quantitative method. The Parenting Questionnaire is a 42-item measure that requires caregivers to respond on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (Never) to 5 (Always), about the frequency of use of various parenting techniques (Davis, et al., 2005). The measure yields five parenting scales, all shown to be important variables in child outcomes: Parental Involvement, Positive Parenting, Poor Parental Monitoring, Inconsistent Discipline, and Corporal Punishment. See Appendix ((C)) for the specific items in this measure. The Parenting Questionnaire has demonstrated good construct validity (Shelton et al., 1996). It has also been found to be reliable, with adequate internal consistency (alphas ranging from .67 to .80, except Corporal Punishment, .46) and adequate

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