
The Path Of Life In Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken

Decent Essays

In the poem, “The Road Not Taken,” by Robert Frost, as the poem advances, the author’s attitude and choices are revealed as the poem develops. The poem is all about choices and what his attitude is as the poem develops. The poem talks mostly about a path of life that a person will choose and that they will have to forever follow that path of life, because they can’t change the past no matter how much they try. In the end, once he’s old, he might regret the decision and ponder if he made the right decision, but he won’t be able to do anything in the end because he is a realist. Although there are many stanzas, the most important stanza is about two roads and how he must make a choice, but he is unsure of which path he should take. Also, the poem develops in many ways through the attitude of each stanza because he is dwelling on which path he will take. Between the first stanza to the fifth stanza, it talks about how he is sorry for how he can’t take both roads and that life is forcing him to choose to go down a path. In the poem it states, “And I looked down on as far as I could. To where it bent in the undergrowth” (Frost 4-5). This shows, that this was a monumental part of his life, but if he chose the wrong path, he might regret it for the rest of his life, so he tries to see beyond, but the undergrowth blocks his sight. The undergrowth is symbolic because it is about growth of trees and shrubs like how he must take that path and see for himself what will lie in the end.

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