
The Patriot Act Essay

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The Patriot Act

In the wake of September 11, many things happened very quickly. Along with the beginning of a '"'war'"' against terrorism, an act was passed to help prevent future terrorism in the USA. The name of this is the USA Patriot Act. The act legalizes many surveillance techniques that were once prohibited. The act has been passed without debate, and the new privileges given to our government have not been thoroughly examined. The law enforcers of our country are now capable of monitoring the citizens in ways most people are not aware of. Some of the surveillance laws are self-terminating after four years, but many of the more important laws are permanent. What will these new surveillance laws be used for after the war on …show more content…

America has a rival that we have declared war against, terrorism. But after terrorism is suppressed, whom will our country battle next and when will the adversaries show themselves? During the idleness after terrorism is vanquished, government law enforcers are given a chance to misuse the new surveillance laws. This is because there will be little for the law keepers to do other than to turn their attention to the American citizens. These laws are not made to charge average people with misdemeanors; they are to be used for national security. With monitoring techniques similar to those legalized in the USAPA being used on all of America¡¯s citizens, there would be a greater sense of oppression among the people. To be oppressed and governed in such a way by police is marshal law. As a safeguard, the government added an expiration date on most of the surveillance regulations except one of the key laws. This law allows something called a pen register trap and trace device order to be modified. A pen register trap and trace device order is a court order that is used for information gathering. It is very simple to get this court order, because it originally just recorded the phone numbers made by a selected person. The court does not require any results from the tap either.

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