
The Penny's Short Story: Penny

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Patience wasn't Penny's strong suit. There simply weren't enough hours in a day for her to spend hanging around in the middle of a forsaken street, in what were quickly transforming into the late hours. It felt like she was being ignored, hanging outside of a building which was supposed to house a bar. Did it? Didn't it? Guessing games were not a fond thing for Penny. Being almost sure that this was where the documents had told her to go, it was frustrating. It felt like somebody was taunting her, deliberately taking her to a lesser-journeyed part of town just so that they could toy with her need for alcohol. So when there was the creak of a door opening and a head making its appearance, Penny could feel the bubble of words, vicious and …show more content…

This was the only place in the village now to get a drink, but Penny wasn't about to bite back her tongue for fear of upsetting a bartender. She'd lived all of her adult days without a bar, she knew how to get her buzz. A trip to the city was all it took to bring home a bottle of vodka or two, and Penny didn't care if it tasted just as cheap as it was – she could easily spruce up the taste with a little bit of cola. The option of having a bar in town with somebody professional to make up her drinks was nice, but not a necessity. With that accounted for, it was clear to Penny that this man's politeness was his saving grace. She stomped over to him, wellington boots crashing to the floor and causing a spray of a puddle to shoot upwards. Not enough water to coat the back of her legs in a mud, but enough so that her boots themselves were now pink with brown smudges. Penny's face was a bad-tempered one. She'd raised an eyebrow at his question, appreciating the polite tone, but finding it, quite frankly, an idiotic question. Of course she needed help, wasn't that frankly obvious by the yelling she'd done? Whoever he was, he was either in fear of the force he'd been confronted with, or was just a genuinely nice guy. With a quick glance of the man, Penny not even hiding that she was evaluating his appearance, Penny had her answer – bad guys didn't dress like …show more content…

“Oh?” “You never know what kind of creeps might be lurking about just waiting to take advantage” he finished. It was his turn to look at her now, brown eyes looking her up and down. “I mean…you are pretty…” he tagged on, and Penny smirked. Adorable. The geeky boy was flirting with her, it seemed. He hadn't struck her as the type – the type to go around and try pick up girls he met on the street with a simple, yet effective, compliment, that was – yet, Penny supposed looks could be deceiving. She kind of liked him more now. He had a definite aroma of chocolate and cheese, one that had been hovering in the air for a while, but what Penny had finally figured out. It didn't sound like the best combination in theory, but it worked. Dorky cardigan and boring shirt aside, he wasn't bad-looking. Cute, definitely. Chestnut hair and eyes to match, complimenting each other well. “You're not too bad yourself,” Penny responded, and if her flirtatious tone wasn't enough, then the wink ought to have confirmed just what she was getting

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