
The Physical Appearance of Class Differences and Wealth

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Do you consider yourself a part of the upper class? In the society in which we live in today, it is widely known that people at higher social classes obtain finer access to premier education. On account of the statement previously mentioned, prestigious institutions steer the way to more business relationships and eventually, a greater chance of obtaining a higher income due to increased job opportunities presented through connections and networking. This concept is known as elitism and is fairly popular belief amongst the competitive population. Elitism is the belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources1 . But I would like to question the basic premise of this argument since there is something more than just wealth which determines one's social class. The argument I make throughout my paper focuses on the aspect of why attractive people are, on average, wealthier and have higher-paying jobs than less attractive people. This statement is a theory I do not stand by alone. In order to persuade and convince to my readers that attractive people are more successful, I will be citing documentation of well-known facts reported by leading psychologists, economists, and their research studies. A book that I occasionally will be referencing to is Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful and is written by Daniel Hamermesh,

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