
The Physics Of The Atomic Theory

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In chemistry, it has been stated that atoms are the basic building blocks of ordinary matter that contain protons, neutrons, electrons, and can join to form molecules. (Gagnon) Atoms are really tiny and are considered the source of nuclear energy in all kinds of matter. The atomic theory became a very important piece in chemistry because it explained the atomic structure and how it worked. Important scientists that helped contribute to this theory were people like John Dalton and J.J. Thompson which helped establish a foundation to the theory, as well as create experiments that helped provide evidence of their findings. John Dalton was an important scientist that established the atomic theory. His theory was as follows: 1.All matter is made of atoms. Atoms are invisible and indestructible. 2. All atoms of given elements are identical in mass and properties. 3. Compounds are formed by a combination of 2 or more different kinds of atoms. 4. A chemical reaction is a rearrangement of atoms. 5. Atoms cannot be created or destroyed. (Leon) Dalton brought up this information while using his gas experiments and it helped him determine the properties of atoms. Although Democritus had somewhat already had a theory on matter, Dalton explored and expanded the theory into what it is today. Dalton was inspired and borrowed the term “atomos” or “atoms” from Democritus to label his particles. (Leon) Dalton also created the first chart of atomic weights and introduced his belief that atoms

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