
The Picture Of Dorian Gray Analysis

Decent Essays

Dorian’s Marvelous Looks Taken Too Far
Eternal beauty- do we not all wish to be beautiful forever? In The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Dorian Gray, the protagonist of the fictional novel, yearns to keep his young, good looks. Lord Henry advices Dorian to cherish his beauty while he is still young. He dreams of staying handsome like he is portrayed in the charming portrait Basil Hallward painted. His dream comes a reality and the portrait ages, as Dorian stays youthful and attractive. The painting grows into unpleasant representation of Dorian’s behavior throughout the novel.
Wilde’s only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, won three awards, including a Golden Globe. He is also known to be a poet and play writer. In the 1890’s, his writing style made him one of London’s most popular play writers. Those who adore wit in writing, will appreciate Wilde’s works.
Wilde’s writing style is, at times, challenging to comprehend and forced me to reread the passage. Most of the time it would just be a paragraph, but once, a whole chapter was dull and tiresome. Lord Henry pondered one night, thinking, “…the experimental method was the only method by which one could arrive at any scientific analysis of the passions.” When Wilde wrote about Lord Henry’s dreams and thoughts, the section became uneventful and I was disengaged from the book. Also, a few words and phrases were baffling throughout the novel.
There is more to life than beauty, is one of the many themes that are reinforced throughout the novel. Dorian is obsessed with his looks that it gradually wears away at him. He performs actions that are unjust because of it. Dorian’s beauty meant so much to him he thought, “if the picture could change; and I could always be what I am now” that he would be happy forever. While he stays young, the picture ages and gets more hideous as the book progresses. Dorian’s actions are monitored in his, now corrupt, portrait painted by Basil. Since Dorian was obsessed with his beauty, he did not get the most abundant pleasure out of life. Life is full of exciting happenings and your eyes have to be open to see it, unlike Dorian’s, whose were closed. Although he physically does not carry any burden of his actions, his soul

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