
The Pill

Decent Essays

“The Pill” arrived in the early 1960’s around the same time that the antiwar, as well as the civil rights movements, electrified political awareness amidst men and women. Women quickly gained total and complete control of their reproductive capabilities and began demonstrating the sexual independence they had been robbed of in the past. There was a continual battle for gender equivalency in the United States that lead to more of a statement which continued from 1960-1970. By this time, a full-fledged feminist era had materialized. What is the Feminist movement? Let’s explain this and provide examples of Feminist literature and art that contribute to this movement. Let’s begin by explaining the Feminist movement.

The hypothetical foundation for the feminist movement likely originated with Betty Friedan. Betty was a journalist who published The Feminine Mystique. Betty acknowledged that “Freudian psychology, with its emphasis on freedom from a repressive morality to achieve sexual fulfillment, was part of the ideology of women’s emancipation.” She was cognizant of the fact that several of Freud’s compositions were used inappropriately as a means of using women. Let’s move on to the literature aspect. …show more content…

The key figures in this examination were Anne Sexton (1978-1974), Sylvia Plath (1932-1963), and Adrienne Rich (1929-2012). Sexton was known for beginning most of her readings with a poem called “Her Kind,” which was the first published work of hers in 1960. Other works such as To Bedlam and Part Way Back, encapsulates the sense of self-sufficiency that described who she was from the beginning. Now let’s talk about the art

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