
The Reality Of The Placebo Effect On The Brain

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The Reality of the Placebo Effect
Even through all the enhancements in technology the brain still hides some secrets, the influence of the brain over the body in some aspects is inexplicable. In other word, it has not been determined a specific magnitude of how the brain will affect the rest of the body, especially related to healing. For example, the morphine could be able to reach a hundred percent of effectiveness if doctors talk before with their patients about the administration of morphine to reduce the feeling of pain, against a fifty percent effectiveness of morphine when they just administrate without telling. The name of this effect is called the placebo effect, which means in Latin “I shall please”, related to any substance without a medical treatment, to convince a patient that him or her will heal. It could …show more content…

For sure, the expectation is the key point of the phenomenon, as Irving Kirsch, an associate director of the Placebo Study in Harvard University, said “the way we feel depends largely on how we anticipate that we will feel” (Punset 1). Placebo effect is not magic and it is not a fake drug either, and due to the enhance of technology, scientist know that the brain is capable to produce their own medicine. For some people, could mean as a simple talk but for the patient could entirely depends of how he or she will heal. As a final though, if the brain is able to cure the rest of the body, there is no sense why not to use

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