
The Plan For Eden Bay

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When I was first approached to research possible systems for the fleet, I knew it was going to be a massive under taking. I had no guide, just a few questions from Dawn about how the recommended system would address certain issues. There were countless hours of research looking at each possible program, weighting the pros and cons of each, and then final reaching a conclusion to which system to recommend for Eden Bay. Each of the fleet repair systems are good, solid programs, however there is only one which I believe would suit the needs of Eden Bay. I found a few different options at beginning of my research and I slowly began to review each product. Several of the systems were thrown out early on, some because the cost was of the program was running too high, or I thought the system was not user friendly, or even because I thought product just would not benefit Eden Bay in the long term. While I liked many of the systems, it ultimately came down to three programs: The Fleet Maintenance Pro by Innovative Maintenance Systems, the Desktop Enterprise Edition by Manager Plus or Merchants Fleet Program. When it came time to make my decision, the Fleet Maintience Pro stood out above the rest.
My first step was to do a general search online of fleet software to see what I could discover. After the search, I narrowed it down to six systems to investigate. Using the main search results, I then did a cusitorty look around the websites for each of the six main software programs.

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