
The Poisonwood Bible Analysis

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The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver is a must-read book, I found when reading the book that it was almost impossible to put down. Aside from the book being page-turner, you could find biblical allusion on almost any page you turned to. Right off the bat, the title of the book has the word “bible” in it. Continuing to read, the names of the characters in the book, except Orleanna, relate to a character or person and their story in the bible. Rachel, the eldest daughter of Nathan Price in the book, is pictured in the bible as the Daughter of Laban. She was a second wife to Jacob after her father tricked him into marrying her older sister Leah. After finding out he had been tricked, Jacob worked seven extra years in servitude to earn Rachel’s hand in marriage. Rachel then gave birth to Jacobs two favorite sons, Joseph and Benjamin, she later died in childbirth. Rachel, never fond of hard work, was known for her contemplative nature. In The Poisonwood Bible, Rachel always imagined herself getting married one day and having children, but she never had any children and had a few husbands. Leah is the first born twin to the Price parents, she grows up and decides to become married and stay in Africa. In the bible, Leah is the eldest daughter of Laban; she was given to Jacob in marriage by her father. Jacob believed he was marrying his beloved, Rachel. He was disappointed to find that underneath the veil was Leah after seven year of hard work of her father. Although the

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