
The Police Chief Placed A Picture Of The Serial Black Widow

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The police chief placed a picture of the serial black widow murderer in front of me and my throat constricted. They were scheduled to get married in less than a week and there was no evidence to take convinces the bridegroom to call off the wedding let alone delay the nuptials. That old saying that it is always the last person you would ever expect? Well, there was no way in hell did I see this one coming. Of all the times to think about Tessa and how sad she had looked to tell me her parents had received a job offer and she would have to move away. If it wasn’t for her kissing me that day, I doubt I would’ve had the nerve to make the first move. Now that I thought about it, this was actually the perfect time to remember that and one other little thing about my pass. However, she wasn’t in the category of things I wish I could forget. I was not what you would call a very popular kid. You could say I was at the very far end of the popularity hierarchy. Actually, I was at the bottom. My mother had seen one too many shows about how to raise a star. Soon there were piano lessons, singing lessons, and worse of all ballet lessons. Oh, but my father did as best he could and I started taking classes in magic. I doubt there is no greater embarrassment than participating in the school’s annual talent show and your mother is your sexy assistant that is supposed to divert the audience’s attention. I had to admit, there was one thing that came out of that life changing

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