
The Political Spectrum Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

The political spectrum is based off of a number line called a continuum that has five categories in which people may identify themselves as. The two most contributing factors to identifying where you stand is the amount of change that you are willing to experience within society and how much government involvement you would like to take place. On the far left are the Radicals. If someone labels themself as a radical due to being on the farthest left hand side of the political spectrum they would want rapid change. They may even act out violently to get their point across. Next working toward the right hand side are the Liberals. The political party of the Liberals is the Democratic party. Being labeled as a Liberal means you tend to support more government involvement. You would believe in gradual change when speaking of the political system itself. In …show more content…

Children do as they see. At a young age my parents would pray before meals and bed and being involved with church was a big part of our lives which emphasized the importance of religion. My brother was born three months early only weighing two pounds. It is legal to abort a baby at twenty four weeks (in the state of Michigan) and he was born at twenty seven weeks. Just three weeks after the legal time period to abort and yet he was a baby in every sense of the word, just small and underdeveloped. They believe that all lives matter. He grew up to be just as human as anyone else, he was not just a clump of cells. Two days after my birth the Columbine massacre occurred. This made my parents realize how messed up of a society we live in and that they were bringing their daughter into it. So they made sure to teach their children the value of morality. This in turn is why I believe the government should be able to tap into suspected criminals personal means of communication with probable cause to avoid more situations such as this

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