
The Political Structure Of Usa

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Hello everyone, today I will speak about political structure of USA. I would like to start with some definitions. I know you know most of them but to not get confused by these terms, first we have to know their meaning.

Forms of Government

Democracy literally means “rule of people”. This is a system which people choose their leaders directly or indirectly by voting. What do I mean by directly or indirectly? In direct or pure democracies, people decide about the policies that affect them directly and in representative democracies, people select representatives to represent themselves and decide about policies. ("democracy - definition of democracy in English | Oxford Dictionaries", n.d.)

Monarchy means “the rule of one”. This is a …show more content…

and they form a central government but central government is weak and has limited powers which means that states are supreme authority. Example: Soviet Union

And in federation, powers are formally divided and there are two authorities: central and local. It is usually divided by means of a constitution. Each state has power of some management of its internal affairs. Example: Germany

And in unitary system, like in England, there are local governments but their powers are granted by central government. Example: China

What are the advantages and disadvantages of these systems?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Confederation

Since the local governments are more powerful tyranny is almost impossible.
Government is closer to its citizens. It can easily find solutions to its citizens’ problems.
A confederation can split apart easily.
Lack of central authority can cause problems while handling the issue of currency, international treaties, or maintenance of an army.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Unitary Government

Power is not shared.
Law is for all people and it is not contradictory because there is one government which is responsible for making and enforcing laws.
It is efficient and it saves time since there is one national government in control.
It is easier to control small countries but if the country is large, the national government can lose control.
It is not expensive. It is a simple system. Central

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