
The Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio Essay

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Jorge Mario Bergoglio commenced his controversial and trailblazing papacy on March 13, 2013, when he was elected the 266th Pope. From the moment Bergoglio became Pontiff, he fell under worldwide dispute. Primarily, he was the first Pope to hail from somewhere other than Europe, being the Jesuit Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and a native of the city (“Biography” 1). He also stirred immediate controversy by electing the papal name of Francis; a name that was thought by many Catholics to only belong to St. Francis of Assisi, the Italian saint most revered for his life of poverty and dedication to the poor (Raushenbush 1). Pope Francis was devoted from the beginning to a radical lifestyle and a radical agenda of teaching and …show more content…

In his first publication as Pontiff, he wrote that capitalism was “a new tyranny,” condemned the "idolatry of money," and urged “politicians to guarantee all citizens "dignified work, education and healthcare"” (Raushenbush 2). He commented, “As long as the problems of the poor are not radically resolved by rejecting the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation and by attacking the structural causes of inequality, no solution will be found for the world's problems or, for that matter, to any problems” (Raushenbush 3). His stance on the issues with today’s capitalistic economies has especially hit home hard in America, where some of the harshest backlash and, similarly, some of the more vehement support has come from. But why? Why do people care so much, especially in this country, about the proclamations of a religious figure halfway across the world? What effect could a Pope possibly have on the capitalistic market and culture of the United States? This topic has such immense kairos to so many Americans, first of all, because Pope Francis is such common name in the media, still only recently being elected. Almost everyone who keeps up to date with the news is somewhat familiar with this controversial Pontiff and his revolutionary papacy. The Pope is almost constantly a current case of discussion. To Catholics, the

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