
The Portrayal Of American Pop Culture

Decent Essays

Marilyn Monroe, McDonald’s and Titanic are all prevalent figures, places, and movies in American pop culture. Pop culture consists of ideas, images and perspectives that are popular within the mainstream of a culture. American pop culture, specifically, is very influential on foreign cultures and societies. Western culture affects other societies negatively due to the unrealistic portrayal of America and foreign countries, the limited information provided about the impacts of American culture, and the diminishing of traditional ideals.
American pop culture portrays America in an unrealistic way. In movies, tv shows, and books, America is often defined by rich, white people who do not care about many people. The writer of Newsweek depicts the skewed foreign views of America as follows: “Individuals who have traveled to the U.S. have more favorable views of the country than those who have not.” Based on these inaccurate portrayals, pop culture causes a negative effect on other countries. The people in the foreign countries are more likely to view America in a bad light, which can lead to increased tensions between …show more content…

However, the exposure to western culture needs to be increasingly prevalent in order for the views to be incorporated. Without exposure of new ideas and cultures, change could not take place. For example, in Alex Hoff’s photograph, the man from Hong Kong was most likely exposed to democracy through American pop culture. By taking a main symbol of Captain America to a protest, the man is representing how America does have a large impact on the views of societies exposed to it. Without the influence of movies and figures, people may not have the courage to fight against their governments. These protests could be negative or positive because even though the protests are illegal, the man is fighting for a seemingly good

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