
The Power Of Death In Oedipus The King By Sophocles

Decent Essays

Sophocles, in his play Oedipus the King, uses the investigation to find who killed Laius as a way of conveying the crucial theme of the irrefutable and unchangeable power of destiny, and the devastating effects that follow defiance. In the opening scene, Oedipus is painted as a god-like figure, who is held on a pedestal not just by his people, but by himself too. The worship of Oedipus is used to show contrast between his character at the beginning and the end of the story, and to dramatize his extreme downfall later on. This praise isn’t unjustified. Oedipus had done many great things for Thebes after his unknowing return to his birthplace he made in an effort to escape the fate of murdering his father and bedding with his mother that he believed was waiting for him back in Corinth, where he grew up. His high and mighty attitude is prevalent throughout the entire play, and makes its next appearance when Oedipus is arguing with Creon. This is the scene in which the mystery of Laius’ death makes its appearance, and it’s important to note that the audience Sophocles is writing to already is aware of the play’s ending. The story of Oedipus was a well known myth at the time. Knowing this, Sophocles uses the murder investigation as a tool to convey theme topics and underlying ideas rather than focusing on the plot itself.
As the play continues, Sophocles begins to bring these themes to light, particularly that of the unchangeable power of destiny, which is highlighted in the

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