
The Power Of Napoleon Bonaparte

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“To die is nothing, but to live defeated and without glory, is to die every day” (J.Christopher Herold) a quote emperors, kings and leaders live by. The glory of power and victory is feeling conquering any death. Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor is one who acknowledged in the power of glory. Even as a young boy Bonaparte was fascinated in war and battle tactics, his father was a lawyer who taught him the capacity of words. Napoleon Bonaparte was destined to be a leader, his determination and lust to win, gave him the position of army general and from there he ascended to emperor. His drive for the military force reshaped the world. Napoleon Bonaparte ruled through untelligence and reputation is an effective leader because of his military control and strategic skills, as well as the use of his education to manipulate and conquer much of Europe.
Through manipulation and making decisions to benefit to the majority of the population Napoleon Bonaparte achieved power, Bonaparte was an intelligent man and knew how to persuade people to believe and trust in him. He would do this through his speeches, where he would inspire many with such loyalty and worship ( Dugdale 9). Bonaparte attains the trust of his citizens and much of Europe by creating the deceptive idea of propaganda which was regular in his civilians life; such as his claim of equality for all ( Obstifeld 125). Napoleon also tried to provide a life that was favorable to his citizens which gained him many followers

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