
The Power Of Power In Shakespeare's The Tempest

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Naturally, people want to have control over their life and be able to make decisions for themselves. Human greed and pettiness will get the best of people if having control over themselves isn’t enough, which leads to people trying to have control over everything else in the world besides themselves. The Tempest by William Shakespeare exploits the negative parts of human nature, making it clear that all people ever want is more than what they have. Antonio wants to have more power in Italy, but even after banishing Prospero, he still wants more. Prospero wants to have power over everything in his life, but even after having control over the island and Ariel, he wants more. The Tempest argues that it is bad for the characters to let their wants consume them because they will never have enough power to be content.
Antonio already has banned Prospero to gain power, but is now willing to do worse because he wants to have control over more. Antonio is power hungry, even at the beginning of the play, when it is revealed that he had his own brother banished so he can have the Dukedom. While explaining how they ended up on the island to Miranda, Prospero says, “ lieu o’ th’ premises/Of homage and I know not how much tribute… With all the honors, on my brother; whereon,/A treacherous army levied, one midnight/Fated to th’ purpose did Antonio open/The gates of Milan, and i’ th’ dead of darkness…” (Tempest 1.2.151-154). Prospero explains in this quote how Antonio, his own brother,

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