
The Power Of Responsibility In The Great Gatsby

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The power of responsibility
Responsibility is a very important part of a person's personality and . Lennie and Gatsby run from their responsibilities. Both did awful things and it ended up getting them in a very bad situation. In real life running from responsibilities makes people look egotistical or unreliable because they don't want to get themselves in trouble.
The Great Gatsby was written by F.Scott Fitzgerald and is about Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby. It tells the story of how James Gatz, a young farm boy turned himself into Jay Gatsby, a rich and lively man. Always chasing after one person, Daisy. Of Mice and Men was written by John Steinbeck and tells people about the struggles of the 1930’s workers in California through George and Lennie. George and Lennie are two workers who always stayed by each other's side through thick and thin even though George didn't want Lennie around.
Responsibility is something that everyone has and sometimes people might have to run. Though in most cases people should learn to stay and face their responsibilities. If people ignore a responsibility then it might help resolve the situation and if they don't ignore it any trouble or strife can be prevented.
Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway, Tom, they all have their own set of responsibilities to uphold and keep track of.
Jay Gatsby used to live on a farm in North Dakota and ran away and made a responsibility to himself to become rich, famous and successful, (FITZGERALD,98).
Once Gatsby made

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