
What Is The Relationship Between The Great Gatsby And Of Mice And Men

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During the holiday season, everyone is reminded of how good it feels to give gifts to one another, and how it can almost feel better to give a gift than receive one. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald are two novels that help readers understand the satisfactory feeling connected with giving. In the story, Of Mice and Men, two men who travel together in an attempt to find work with an ultimate goal of buying land and living together in peace and harmony. The Great Gatsby is a novel about Nick Carraway, a man from the midwest moving eastward to New York. The novel focuses of Nick’s encounters with the man Jay Gatsby. Nick is surprised by the aristocratic nature of the upper class and the preposterous measures people will take to get what they want. In Of Mice and Men and The Great Gatsby, Steinbeck and Fitzgerald use the characters George Milton, and Jay Gatsby to portray how the desire for material possession is often driven by the pleasure of someone else.
The development of the relationship between George and Lennie by Steinbeck in Of Mice and Men explicitly shows how the desire for material possession is often driven by the pleasure of a companion. George and Lennie are two men who travel together despite the fact that most men during this time period travelled alone. Lennie is rather naive, so George looks out for him and essentially takes care of him, as if he were a child. George and Lennie formulate the goal of working for

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