
Essay The Power of Babies

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The Power of Babies

I can still remember hearing the rumble of the garage door closing despite my groggy state. I grabbed some shoes and tumbled through the kitchen, flung the door open, and re-opened the garage door. The engine was warming up in the driveway. "Wait," I called out frantically. "I'm coming with you!"

It was nearly 2 a.m. on Saturday, April 3, 1999, and my parents were about to go to the hospital. Five years later my memory of that day hasn't faded. At thirteen and a half, I would soon become what I'd always dreamt of being: a big sister.

Excruciatingly long, cold hours in St. David's Hospital seemed to melt away at exactly 10:00 in the morning when my little brother, Alvand Kia Moini, was finally …show more content…

At the grocery store, I knew which foods were safe and vital at each age and became attuned to Alvand's personal preferences to pick out the most nutritious and delicious foods for him. Records of his first smile, first words, and neck strength flood my calendars and scrapbooks.

I quickly found that the more time I spent with Alvand,the happier and more complete I became. Learning about kids his age and his expected developments made watching him excel increasingly exciting. Helping him discover the world sustained me.

Because both my parents work, I cared for him over the summers, and when I was old enough to drive, I picked him up from day care. We soon developed our routine: number one, take off socks and shoes; number two, go potty; number three, eat some fruit, and so on. Alvand listened to most of what I said to him; a special bond began growing between the two of us that was unlike anything I'd experienced with friends or even my parents. Even when he was very young, I recall joking with him. When he first began speaking, he would call me a stop sign, or hexagon, or whatever new word he was learning.

Over the past few years, my life has changed drastically. As Alvand has gotten older, it has become more and more apparent how bright and intelligent he is. Going to sleep is a chore for him, as he doesn't want to miss out on what's going on. He spends most

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