
The Power of Story and Bibiotherapy Essay

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In the article “The Power of Story”, stories are not just a book to read, stories become a defense mechanism and comfort zone for children. Children who have been victims of an physical and or emotionally abusive situation can be strongly affected by stories. Researchers have found that reading a book that is similar to the child’s situation with an alternative ending have had uplifting results, with children. Jean and John Pardeck from the The Power of Story article, point out how “literature provides models of how to understand and handle dilemmas and real life situations.” This description of the power through stories can be better describe as Bibliotherapy. This type of therapy helps human beings with self healing and self …show more content…

Catharsis encourages and motivates people to feel better, despite whatever background they may have.
Problem solving is the last step in the bibliotherapy process, this part for an adult is an easy step, because adults can correctly identify their problem. As for children it would depend on the developmental level of the child. When the problem is known it becomes easy to recognize which types of books would best fit an individual for their bibliotherapy.
Here are some novels that I believe have strongly impacts others. Joseph, a story of a biblical character who had been sold by his brothers, because of jealousy. This book can be an encouraging book for children who have been abandoned by family and left alone. Children can also reflect in the triumph of David, and realize that they to can have a positive outcome for their lives. Another novel that truly impact others is Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. This book captures the heart breaking story if a girl who was raped and killed by her neighbor. Reading the book Lovely Bones gives readers a strong sense of appreciation of life. In this book a younger girl becomes a victim of rape and murder. The young girl struggles to stay close to her loved while she is in the afterlife. In attempts to save her family, and show them who was the criminal that sexually abused and killed her. The uplifting part

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