
What a Story Reveals about the Story Teller Essay

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Geoffrey Chaucer wrote the Canterbury Tales from the view of a pilgrim journeying with many other travelers who all had tales to tell. I believe that the stories told by the characters in Chaucer's book gives us insight into the individual spinning the tale as well as Chaucer as the inventor of these characters and author of their stories. There are three main characters whose stories I will be using as examples: The Knight's Tale, The Miller's Tale, and The Wife of Bath's Tale.

The knight told a tale of love, bravery, chivalry, justice, romance, and adventure. His story included two cousins and sworn brothers, Palamon and Arcite, who were both enraptured by the love of one woman, Emily. Emily was related to king Theseus who had …show more content…

Secondly, it tells us his idea of bravery and devotion. Palamon and Arcite were not willing to give up Emily to the other, although they had been great friends. The devotion lies not in their friendship, but in their love of Emily. Likewise, the knight himself had left all to nobly fight for his cause; and still had such devotion to his faith to join the pilgrimage. "With smudges where his armour had left mark; Just home from service, he had joined our ranks To do his pilgrimage and render thanks" (The Canterbury Tales, p.5). Thirdly, it shows us the knight's ideas of fortune and justice. I believe the knight was optimistic in a practical sense. He viewed Fortune as a beneficial force of justice which is reflected in his "happy ending" of the tale. Although he had a realistic note of sadness, the overall outcome was good. All the characters prayed to different gods, and all got what they asked for. Although Arcite wins Emily, he dies before he can claim her and she is later married to Palamon. Lastly, the tale was constructed with such length and wordiness to convey the intelligence and education of the speaker - the Knight.

This story tells me that Chaucer holds the knight in high regard. As the creator of this character and his tale, he displays his fondness of the characteristics which he attributes to the knight. Chaucer uses many great adjectives to describe the knight in the general

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