
The Presidential Election Has Polarized Democratic And Democratic Politics

Decent Essays

The 2016 presidential election has polarized both Democratic and Republican voters into increasingly solidified voting blocs. The Clinton and Trump campaigns have individually targeted different undecided voter typologies which play important roles in attempting to secure a winning electoral coalition. This essay will assess the policy positions of Clinton’s campaign and evaluate their appeals to various typologies set out by Pew Research Center. Furthermore, the typologies will be analyzed in order to determine their relevance and viability for building an effective coalition for the Clinton ticket. The Pew Report Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology recognizes three groups as “Partisan Anchors,” meaning that they demonstrate consistent voting affinity towards one party. These groups have been identified as Steadfast Conservatives, Business Conservatives, and Solid Liberals. Both conservative groups consistently vote Republican while the Solid Liberals vote Democratic. These groups tend to be the most polarized, and represent the demographics that will vote in line with traditional Democratic and Republican views. It would be foolish for Clinton’s campaign to devote resources to appeal to conservative demographics that directly oppose the majority of her policies – therefore the only viable typology for the Democratic coalition is the Solid Liberals. It is worth noting that the majority Solid Liberals agree with the vast majority of Clinton’s policies, therefore

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