
The Prevalence Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(Copd)Indevelopedcountriesisprogressively

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The prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)indevelopedcountriesisprogressively increasing, because of the process of aging of populations (1). Chronic comorbidities often coexist in the elderly population, affecting functionality and thus influencing patient’s outcome (2).Acute exacerbations of COPD with decompensated respiratory acidosis leadtorepeatedhospitaladmissionsandareassociated with high mortality, making it the leading cause of disability and morbidity. An average of 5%–15% of adults in developed countries has COPD defined by spirometers (3–5). In 1990, there has been an increase in the prevalence of mortality from COPD, even in developed countries. The World Health Organisation
The Clinical Respiratory Journal …show more content…

Usuallyinsevereexacerbationof COPD,itisdifficult to perform respiratory function mainly because of inability and lack of cooperation by the patient,on the otherhandthereisnowaytoestimatehowlongattacks persist,or how long it is necessary to resuscitate.Some studies had showed a relationship between severity of disease and blood phosphorus levels (9). The lower phosphorus blood levels are, the more serious the disease is, however it is not clear enough if COPD patientsonrespiratoryventilationandwithhypophosphatemia need prolonged ventilation, this is the first study that showed a link between COPD and P. Abnormalities in serum phosphate levels are more prevalentincertainsubsetsof patients,suchaspatients with diabetic ketoacidosis, alcoholism, malignancies and renal failure. Multiple factors, including nutritional intake, medications, renal and intestinal excretion and cellular redistributions, are potential causes. Theclinicalmanifestationsof mildhypophosphatemia are typically minor and non-specific (myalgias, weakness, anorexia). However, when imbalance is severe, critical complications may occur such as tetany, seizures, coma, rhabdomyolysis, respiratory failure and ventricular tachycardia. Although hypophosphatemia has been only occasionally implicated as a cause of respiratory failure, its impact on respiratory muscle functioning in patients hospitalised for other reasons remains to be determined. Hypophosphatemia may

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