
How Does Oedipus Show Pride

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The Pride of Sophocles' Oedipus The King

Greek tragedy is characterized by the emotional catharsis brought about by the horrific suffering of a heroic figure. In Oedipus The King, by Sophocles, the onslaught of pain assailing the protagonist is a result of his tragic flaw. Sophocles often used a characters hamartia to alter or influence the outcome or future of the hero. Oedipus' hubris traps him to fulfil the oracle and intensifies his punishment.

Oedipus' pride is an innate characteristic. Even before his glory and power as King of Thebes he allowed his conceit to cloud his judgement and rule his actions. Unknowingly, Oedipus fulfills Apollo's oracle when he encounters a band of men at a crossroad. The driver …show more content…

"Here I am myself-you all know me, the world knows my fame: I am Oedipus" He is conceited to think that he can shape his own destiny and the gods punish him for this arrogance.

Once Oedipus is made aware of the dire situation in Thebes he responsibly, but paternalistically assumes to be the saviour. Oedipus' dialogue, "huddling at my alter, praying before me" suggests that Oedipus feels highly regarded, a divinity. In addressing his people, Oedipus regards them as his children - his pride in his abilities enables him to take on the task of leader. His faith in himself results in a lack of prudence on his part. Although Creon hints at bad news, Oedipus eagerly insists that Creon announce the oracle's words public, so that he will be thought of as an open, honest leader, not picking up on Creon's hesitation. Oedipus later assumes the role of a mortal god, "Let me grant your prayers". He is now arrogant, believing that he has divine power to solve a city's problems. Oedipus again proves to be confident of his abilities, "if I'd been present then, there would have been no mystery". When Oedipus makes his proclamation and no one confesses to the murder of Laius, he loses patience, hastily condemning the murderer, cursing him a terrible death. "Now my curse on the murderer...

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