
The Principles Of The Founding Fathers

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In Aristotle’s book, Politics, he discusses the concept of a constitution in book five. He explains that a constitution is able to last for quite a while only if the government or those who are holding a political office are loyal to the document and are upstanding and moral people. Aristotle also notes that a majority of the people needs to be in favor of it. If not, the constitution would not last. This concept has been proven. It can easily be related to the American founding and how America is today. Our founding fathers created a constitution to prevent intrusive government. The founding fathers did not want a two percent tax King George was implementing and moved, to what is now America, and continued to fight him on that, as well as other oppressive tactics, before they decided to break away from Great Britain and establish the United States of America. The founding fathers were a wise and moral group of people who advocated for individual liberties and the right to embrace natural freedom. Our constitution was made with the intent to limit government power and have it be a tool to strengthen and create a central government. It was meant to be a continuous living document for as long as this country was around. Although at the time of the founding, not everyone was on board for the creation of the constitution. However, people eventually came around and it was established. It is not an extreme document but rather a moderate one that ensures the basic rights for the

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